Sanatana Dharma
is on the verge of
Time is running out…
The Evidence
The Dwindling
Sanatana Dharma

*Based on population census by the Governmant of India
Every other religion is either growing or maintaining their status quo.
Extinction of Vedas
The Hindu youth has little understanding of our roots, dharma and culture
By the year
Hinduism will be a minority in India

By the year
Hinduism will be wiped out from the face of the earth
There will remain no Bhagavad Gita, Pooja, Yoga Sutras, Sanskrit or Shraadh Karma.
You (our future ancestor) will be forgotten one day.
Our rich Vedic heritage will be lost.
Did you know that it took us 500 years and the lives of tens of thousands of citizens to
regain and restore just one temple?
There will remain no Bhagavad Gita, Pooja, Yoga Sutras, Sanskrit or Shraadh Karma. You (our future ancestor) will be forgotten one day.
Our rich Vedic heritage will be lost.
Did you know that it took us 500 years and the lives of tens of thousands of citizens to regain and restore just one temple?

Dharma protects its protector
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Vedic Sadhana Foundation is a non-profit organization established in the service of humanity
All content Ⓒ 2024 Vedic Sadhana Foundation